Mixed Thoughts

  • Mixed Thoughts

    Guide (finally)!

    Ladies and gentlemen, the day has finally come: i’m proudly announcing the oh-so-longly-awaited release of the first part of my little guide on domestic energy efficiency. The first part is focusing on remedies and solutions immediately appliable whitout heavy investments; the second part, to be released later (hope in less than five months this time 😉 ) will be dealing with a far more challenging task: the construction of an energy efficient house. For the launch of my guide i made use of the ever growing Google platform, this time relying on Google Docs, forseeing and eventual multi-user collaboration on this guide. To get the guide, hit the following link…

  • Mixed Thoughts

    Gli intoccabili

    Orrore, disgusto, vomito: questi, in sintesi, gli unici sentimenti che la politica italiana è al giorno d’oggi in grado di stimolare. Un gioco perverso, un sistema marcio fino al midollo, capace di drenare soldi a fiumi a vantaggio di una casta di eletti sempre più ampia e avida di privilegi, rimborsi, vantaggi e indennità che il ridicolo non lo sfiorano, lo trapassano più volte. E’ il mondo della politica, fatto di visi adiposi e impomatati, di strette di mano, di applausi, flash e sorrisi di cortesia; un paese dei balocchi dove asino non diventa chi si diverte sulla giostra tra luci colorate e coriandoli, ma chi sta a guardare fuori…

  • Mixed Thoughts

    Bible fight

    Ahah this is damn hilarious…sorry guys and girls, i had to share this funny flash game with you all 😀 It’s a funny beat’em up with biblic characters. Thats all, see by yourself ;D >> Bible Fight Questo giochino è fantastico, una perla simile non posso non condividerla con voi 😀 E’ un picchiaduro vecchio stile con personaggi biblici. Dateci un’occhiata, non voglio togliervi la sorpresa ;D >> Bible Fight Thanks to www.downloadblog.it

  • Mixed Thoughts

    Steam marvels / meraviglie a vapore

    Some days ago I was lurking the net in deep boredoom, and then I stumbled upon the personal webpage of this brilliant clockwork artist. This guy has a very particular hobby: with creative genius he puts together amazing r/c machines full of gears, pistons, chains and every other aspect that would simply delight any geeky guy! The most impressive part is the steam propulsion engine: he thinkers over miniaturized reproductions of original steam boilers and pistons, suiting them to push his hand-made marvels. When i saw his creations I was taken by immediate desire to get one of those or, better, build one by myself: my dreams suddenly died after…

  • Mixed Thoughts

    Going international – da oggi bilingue

    So, as i promised a couple of weeks (months? I’m growing old, time is passing sooo fast…) ago, with this post i’m officially unveiling the bilingual version of my blog. These days have been dramatically dense of important events, and i must point out that these were not necessarily welcome. I’ll keep you informed about what’s going on at the time i’ll have sorted things out. Let’s talk about something else: the famous guide on domestic energy savings is still a work in progress, but i’m glad to announce i’ve been making great progress; actually it’s almost complete, just some polishing needed and some final revision to get it on…